vendredi 4 mars 2016

Session 3 Alice App



The major investor in Alice App is Expédia one of the most popular travel agency on the web. Alice App is a service management system but it doesn't well rooms on the opposite of Expédia. The fact that an online agency invest in a service management app is a major breakthrough as now the distribution is merging with hotel operations in order to face the evolving consumer behavior.

By pushing messaging, hoteliers are able to communicate directly with guests by using sms and so get their intention more than if they were using apps that are not necessarily checked during the day. All the conciergerie services can now be done as soon as the guest request is made. The concierge Caen fulfill a need using direct message. The notions of location or time are pretty much dissapearing because of the instant communication. By using apps inegrated with direct message, hoteliers can manage requests pre stay, in stay and off property as well as integrate guest activities and profiles for future requests.
So now hoteliers have to think of guest service as very personnalized services because of higher expectations from their guests. The traditionnal ORM are used to manage the reputation of the hotel by analyzing the online reputation and the guests satisfaction of your hotel in order to improve guest service. Now it's not only to manage reputation but it sur more to focus on your right customer and provide them the services they want precisely. It involves contacting the guest prior to stay and most importantly to use the most used way of communication which is messages. Messages are now taking the lead over the several social networks available on the web.
It involves that now a guest service is a personnalized service that has been thought in advance for each one of the guests. Satisfaction is the feeling that the guests has at the moment he receives the service so it should be measured at the moment the services is fullfiled. The use of after stay satisfaction quastionnaires is now not any more relevant because in order to keep your customers, all requests should be adressed at the Time it happens.

Alice App and share sole similarities bu the main différence is the fact that CheckMate is mainly focusing on direct communication with customers. It's a plateform that allow all staff members to get précise information on each guests, share those informations with the other  and contact directly the guest using messages. It's a plateform entirely dedicated to direct message to customers.

The post app service economy is the idea that the use of the apps is declining as direct message such as sms or snapchat, WhatsApp, wechat are much more used and popular. Sms is the most used way of communication and we use it all day throughout the day. We are constantly connected to each other using text messages. On the opposite, we are not as consumers constantly ckecking apps. So hoteliers using apps to contact their guests may face à high rate of non responses. The messaging service Will impact ORM as text messages are really difficult to control. So now the challenge for hoteliers is to find ways to control their reputation while as the same Time use direct messages with customers that are not necessarily easily controllable because of the privacy of the Channel.